Pest Control Solution

Our Solutions

Pest Control

At Rawabet Facility Management, we understand the importance of protecting your facility from unwanted guests. That’s why we offer comprehensive Pest Control Services designed to eliminate existing infestations and prevent future problems.

Pest Control Programs

Our licensed and insured technicians conduct thorough inspections to identify existing pest problems and develop customized control programs to eliminate and prevent future infestations.

Fumigation Solutions

For severe pest infestations, we offer safe and effective fumigation services to eradicate pests from your facility. Fogging: Fogging treatments provide a targeted approach to eliminate flying insects, mosquitoes, and other airborne pests.


Fogging treatments provide a targeted approach to eliminate flying insects, mosquitoes, and other airborne pests.

Termite Control Treatment

Rawabet offers comprehensive termite control solutions to protect your property from these destructive insects.

Specialized Services

We understand that different facilities may have unique pest challenges. Rawabet offers specialized services to address specific pests like cats, dogs, snakes, pigeons, and garden pests.

Preventive Pest Control

Our focus is on preventing pest problems before they occur. We implement preventative measures to identify potential entry points and eliminate attractants.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)